Brand Awareness Starts with a Question


First, does your intended audience know that you exist? And if so, what do they think of your company, your product and/or services? Have they had good experiences or bad ones during their interactions with your company? What’s your street cred?

These are all aspects of your brand you should know the answers to. Unfortunately many of us, and companies, fall into the mindset of “what I don’t know won’t hurt me” fallacy. We should be on the track of “ I can’t fix something if I don’t know about it” quest.

Great brands with visionary leaders continuously strive to improve their people, processes and culture. They are willing to look introspectively and ask themselves the difficult questions. They also empower their people to become part of the solutions.

Those seeking longterm sustainable growth understand that it’s not a “one-time” and “move-on” scenario. Brands that experience longterm success have integrated this question+innovate+engage model into their system as a dynamic process that becomes instinctive and embedded into their culture.


You can’t run from this question. You have to know who your audience is and what they care about. Why should they care about your company and how do you convert them into brand advocates?

Research, interview and ask a lot of questions.